The war between heroic Autobots and evil Decepticons continues on the Transformers Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures animated series! Discover the unique powers and skills of each Cyberverse character, and see how those powers will be used to defend Cybertron or threaten it. Easily convert and attack with Transformers Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures Action Attackers toys! Simply convert Stealth Force Hot Rod figure from race car to robot mode in 7 steps. The last step of conversion activates the figure Fusion Flame move! Once converted, move can be repeated through easy reactivation steps.

  • 5.4-INCH STEALTH FORCE HOT ROD FIGURE: Warrior Class Stealth Force Hot Rod figure is 5.4-inches tall.
  • REPEATABLE ATTACK MOVE: Convert the heroic Stealth Force Hot Rod to activate his signature Fusion Flame move. Fun attack move can be repeated through easy reactivation steps.
  • 2-IN-1 CONVERTING TOY: Easy Transformers conversion for kids 6 years old and up! Convert Stealth Force Hot Rod toy from race car to robot mode in 7 steps. Makes a great gift for kids!
  • TRANSFORMERS CYBERVERSE CHARACTER: Blue and grey Stealth Force Hot Rod toy robot inspired by the stealthy daring Autobot hero from the Transformers Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures cartoon, as seen on Cartoon Network and YouTube.
  • INSPIRED BY CARTOON NETWORK SHOW: In the G1-inspired Cyberverse series, giant Transformers robots from the planet Cybertron engage in epic battles, activating signature abilities known as Action Attacks! Kids can imagine unleashing this special power with this Action Attackers figure! Collectibles!

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Total price$109.97

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